Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bachelorette Hike

I haven't posted this week because things are crazy busy with making centerpieces and decor for J and G's wedding this weekend...but thought I'd post a little something. We recently took my sister on a little bachelorette night out to our family's lakehouse and had a blast. We went on a beautiful hike around Lake Texoma and Lovebug loved it (see the pic of her - that's the way she was pretty much the whole time - just staring up and looking around)...It wasn't her first hike but it definitely had the most incline/decline so thank goodness for the sling... It was Lovebug's first trip away from Daddy and although it was tons of fun, we were more than ready to get back to see him! Here are some pics thought I would share...Love the one above of the bride laying in a bed of flowers :)...Pics of wedding and decor to come after this weekend - YEA! - Jillian

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