So we had our last day of is no longer. We could not justify the cost of that luxury anymore (especially since there are only a couple of shows we actually watch on it) and saw it as another way of simplifying our life - getting rid of something else that is not necessary...
However, us foodies will miss our "Top Chef" (my pick was Antonia from episode 1 and Jonathan's was Richard...but Stephanie is awesome too - DON'T tell me what happened tonight - I don't want to know YET:)...DOES ANYONE KNOW IF THOSE ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE ANYWHERE? I looked on itunes and no luck! I'll miss the creativity on "Project Runway" for sure with Heidi's "we're going to have a chat", "one of you will be the winner, and one of you will be out", and Tim's "make it work!"...
I know we'll miss the Tennis Channel for when one of the "opens" is on...and the occasional decent movie that you can find on some random channel. Jonathan will miss Anthony Bourdain's travel/food show (and my "Nooooo Reservations" impression every time it comes back on -right honey?:) and a sport or fishing show from time to time, but other than that we don't watch much of anything else on any of the ridiculous number of cable channels we've been getting. We're followers of "Lost" and "The Office", but those are local channels so we're safe on those -whew - thank goodness!! First thing I did was unplug the receivers so they're not sucking vampire power ANYMORE (need to post on vampire/phantom power soon!) and put the TVs on a power strip so we can flip the switch when not in use...
So it's a bit sad but also exciting because we're really interested to see what we can do with that little bit of time some evenings we might spend in front of the, paint, crafting, projects, home remodeling (YEA!), and just overall more family time together. Not that you're not having family time when you're laughing over a show and sharing conversation about it, but you know, different family time -a greater quality of time I would venture to say...
Anyway, we're going to see how it goes...I have to admit though that it was really nice after little Miss was born to be able to find SOMETHING on while I was up nursing her during much of the night/morning, so we'll see if when baby #2 comes if a new era of cable begins :)! REALLY wish though that you could pick whatever channels you watch and pay for just those - but of course not - dang cable companies!
Oh yeah and these pics have nothing to do with the post, but since I'm a photo gal, I like pics with posts...but they are of me and my wee one playing in the grass which she loves oh so much - she's an outdoor gal for sure! We're relaxing/playing which...hmmmmm...IS something we can do more of now that cable is gone so maybe YES they are related to the post in a roundabout way :)!
I found your blog through Soule Mama. Your little one is adorable, mine is three. It's nice to read about adventures of like-minded eco-chicks :) You've been added to my fave blogs now!
-Namaste, Erin
thank you for sharing the best part of your day on my blog!
you little girl is precious, the photo of her hand in the grass makes my heart sing. what a sweetie.
it's nice to meet you :)
welcome to the no cable world! We had cable for 1 month in TN and it was CRAZY how much we watched TV! We watch LOST on the internet and thats about it. We get a hole whoppin 3 channels at our house! well, 3 english speaking channels!
Welcome to my world of no TV. We have been cable free for about 8 years. I went into withdrawals. I could never get rabbit ears to work, so we have a DVD exclusive home, which is such a pain we almost never watch. I predict you will soon be exhilirated with other projects, and will soon wonder how on earth you ever had time for tv. I have another friend who just "cut the cord" too - in the interest of spending the money on enriching her little ones' is a brave and unpopular choice in our culture. I hope you find it enriches your family. Hope. And hey, if not, that subscription is a phone call away!
OOOh I never saw this post. So what have been your favorite past times without tv? Ours was just turned off yesterday. We are definately tempted to get it again. But, we won't this time. I will miss alot of shows. It's so worth it I know though to fall in love with your family
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