OH and for you DFW locals, there is a vaccine seminar (Educate Before You Vaccinate!) that our dear friends organized Sunday, July 27th, at 1 PM that I wanted to let you all know about. The speakers will be April Renee and her husband Dr. Gary Tunsky (a naturopathic doctor)- they lost their autistic daughter to a vaccine injury and have since made it their mission to get the dangers about vaccines (given to both children and adults) out there.
Not vaccinating is something that we're very passionate about (here's a past post about it)...It truly is something that every family as to decide for themselves but it's SO important to educate yourself before you vaccinate, so you know what you're injecting your children or yourselves with and what your options truly are! Hope to see some of you there at the seminar - but NOTE that the room holds about 100 people, so get there early!!! Here's the location info:
North Branch Denton Library
3020 N Locust St
Denton, TX 76209
July 27th @ 1 PM
Happy Independence Day everyone- hope you and yours have a most enjoyable one!!
Happy 4th!!
Do you know any of the rules with Public school systems and vaccines? With my last daughter I had decided to decline almost all vaccines trying to do my best to read which ones were harmful and not & was unfortunatly pressured into it by my pediatricians,Wic & the soon to be school system. I have since changed pediatricians but it's almos timpossible to find a Dr. that will accept patients who don't have ALL of their vaccines. It's really gross! Anyways I was wondering what I should do when I go to put my son in school next year but refuse to have him updated on all the 700 shots they want him to have. Thanks for your help
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