Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And she's off...

The OTHER really special part of the weekend was that Lovebug decided to start walking! We got home from Great-Gramma's on Thursday and she started doing it more, on Friday alot more, and then this weekend nearly everywhere. If you dear readers will remember, she started taking steps about a month ago and she's been working on it ever since. Now at 10 months, she's full-on walking - so YEA for Lovebug! We're so very proud of you baby girl.

It's so adorable to see someone this small walking everywhere, but she is doing such a great job. Sometimes she does what my Mom calls the "mummy walk" - with her hands almost straight out in front of her to catch herself if she falls (which she still does sometimes of course). She is just loving it though - her face just lights up and you can tell she's so proud of herself. Oh man, she is just getting more and more fun every single day. What a joy you are Lovebug!

It's been quite a challenge to get any good shots of her in the act though since she's so darn fast. Some Etsy shoes we've been eyeing for some time have been ordered and I cannot wait to see them on her once they arrive (isn't Etsy the BEST?!). So anyway, that was the news, and although it is extremely exciting, it also makes alot of things more challenging since she is much faster and getting into everything even more. However, on the other hand, it also opens up the door to new possibilities of things to enjoy doing with her now!! Gosh, is it really Wednesday? This week has flown, no?


Anonymous said...

Yay Lovebug! That's so awesome and you're definitely in for a whole new chapter now! Have fun with your new little walker!

Jashley and Grant said...

Aww... Isabella! I'm so proud of her! Please send me some video of her walking! I feel like I'm missing out! I miss you guys a ton!

Monica said...

Oh how life will now be different. Good luck with all those cute pictures you normally get. It is crazy how they just take off and never look back. Annie walked at 10 months also. Some of her friends still don't walk. I find myself at times feeling a little jealous of those moms. I miss my snuggle bug.

Angela Harris said...

Congrats on the walking! You've succeeded greatly with the photos. They are adorable! My son started walking at 10 minths also and for some reason the girls waited longer.